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Fire and Explosion Hazards Testing

Testing of Fire and Explosion Hazard

One of the common challenges encountered in many industrial facilities is a lack of data for materials’ reactivity, flammability, ignitibility and explosibility.


Having no knowledge of a high ignition sensitivity, flammability and/or explosibility of a material in a facility can result in serious consequences.


Usually, chemicals are present in the form of mixtures in a process. The reactivity, ignitability, flammability, and explosibility of the mixture differ from individual chemical for better or worse.   


Clearly, obtaining materials’ hazard properties accurately provides a necessary basis for developing effective and cost-effective process safety solutions.

Laboratory Testing


We provide a complete set of standard laboratory tests for evaluating the fire and explosion hazards of the materials you handle including powders/dusts, liquids, vapors, and gases. The tests we offer include but are not limited to flammability, combustibility, explosibility, ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal self-heating/spontaneous combustion, and electrostatic properties.


In order to yield useful test results for your specific applications, not only the testing itself must be done accurately but also the testing strategies must be clearly defined, and sample preparations (sampling and sample conditioning) must be performed adequately.


We will help you:


  • Develop testing strategies that you need for your specific applications;

  • Interpret the test results and adequately apply the results to the management of the actual process hazards in your facilities; and

  • Suggestions practical solutions to effectively eliminate and/or control those hazards, if required.


Specially-Designed Tests, Onsite Testing, and Incident Reconstruction Testing


Beyond delivering standard tests, our experts have also designed and performed specially-designed laboratory tests, full-scale onsite testing, and incident reconstruction testing to serve specific needs of the clients.


In some cases, standard tests cannot yield data directly applicable to some circumstances of clients’ processes and operations, such as 100% oxygen concentration, elevated temperatures, or high pressures. These challenging conditions call for specially-designed tests for producing directly applicable data.


Onsite tests performed on full-scale process equipment under actual operating conditions generate valuable experimental data for process safety management. Our experts have performed extensive onsite full-scale testing of fire and explosion hazards and electrostatic charging and discharge hazards, which provided the much needed experimental data for the client in making effective and cost-effective decisions. The results also provided valuable data for performance-based design and risk analysis.


Combines both laboratory and onsite testing, our expert have been successfully reconstructed fire and explosion ignition mechanisms, which assisted clients in various cases.


We invite you to work with us for your testing needs to ensure the test results can be used most effectively and cost-effectively.

Please do not hesitate to call us at 609 240 7545 or email us at today.

Why Work with Us

Our experts acquired extensive expertise and experience on evaluation of ignitability, flammability, explosibility, and reactivity of gases, liquids, and dusts from research, standard testing, specially-designed tests, onsite testing, and incident reconstruction testing. The material hazard studied include but are not limited to:


  • Ignitability, flammability, and explosibility of gases, liquids, and solids/powders/dusts under both standard and special process conditions;

  • Flammability Mixtures of materials;

  • Energy of electrostatic sparks;

  • Electrostatic charges;

  • Self-heating and spontaneous combustion;

  • Flame spreading through powder layers;

  • Electrostatic hazards under actual process conditions; and

  • Flammability hazards under actual process conditions.


We helped clients to develop optimal testing plans that yield the most useful data for their facilities. The test results played pivotal roles in selecting and developing effective and cost-effective safety measures.


To learn more about our expertise in material hazard testing and evaluations, please call us at 609 240 7545 or email us at today.

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